If you have not heard the new Passion CD, go out and get it or download it. Tomlin sings a song on the cd called God of This City, it is amazing. We have been able to sing it a few times at GCC and people have really connected with the idea of the song. I find it wild to be living in a city and watch God turn my heart toward the city and the people who live here. We are a corporate sponsor of Rivers and Spires (www.riversandspires.com) a city festival here in our town. I was in a meeting today about the festival and looking around at the folks in the room. We were from all walks of life and all different types of organizations all working together to make sure this festival happens and it a blessing to the city of Clarksville. We all cared about one thing, the good of the city. Of course my heart wants to see people all over the city encounter Jesus Christ but I also want the best for this city. I want and need to understand what people care about in Clarksville. I am hoping that people here in this city will understand that the church can bring hope to city, help to the city, and people that are ready to serve. I hope we will serve asking nothing in return. I hope we will serve and display the hope of Christ through every aspect of our lives. Maybe people will see Jesus really have changed our lives, He is real! In the end, if we serve our city will be a better place to live. As we serve others we will care about the things that people here care about. This weekend we are going to be camped out with about 100 GCC volunteers in the teen area of the festival. It is going to be amazing for us to be right in the middle of this thing serving others. I have to say I am stoked about the folks that are serving. God is doing great things in our city, we get to be a part of God’s movement here. Go God!
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