It’s Thanksgiving week and I know it’s time to look around and process all that you are thankful for but I have one more request for you this week. This year look around and also figure out what you are not thankful for and ask yourself, is this something I can quit? Seriously I am betting there are things you are doing right now that are keeping you from working on what is most important in your life. In ministry we often add things to our schedule that distract us from the things that we need to quit. More is not always better.
I got to hear Bob Goff speak recently and in his book Love Does he talks about this idea of quitting something every week. If you are like me that might be a little too much but what about quitting something every quarter so you can focus on what matters most. Here are a few things you might process quitting this month…
- QUIT doing ministry in isolation.
- QUIT that event in your ministry that is not effective anymore.
- QUIT holding a grudge against someone who has hurt you.
- QUIT trying to do and be everything in the ministry you lead.
- QUIT making excuses why you are not in a community group.
- QUIT watching a TV show so you can get more rest or spend more time reading.
- QUIT missing important time with your family.
- QUIT saying yes to every request for your time.
- QUIT putting off your need to exercise.
- QUIT ignoring the change you need to lead in your ministry.
- QUIT trying to do ministry in your own strength.
November and December are great months to evaluate where your ministry and life are headed. Evaluate what’s going on and decide what you can quit so you can be a better leader.
Would love to hear some things you are going to QUIT in the coming weeks?