Often parents don’t partner with our next generation ministries because we continue to elevate the picture of the perfect family and the perfect parent. I know we love talking about these imaginary families from stage, in our newsletters, and in parent meetings but perfect families just don’t exist. What if we stopped making our goal perfection and began to strive toward participation and partnership. When thinking about the idea of partnering with parents through the ministry we lead we should never forget that the most powerful moment in the life of a child and parent in now. Everyday parents have a chance to invest in their children even if yesterday (or five minutes ago) was a miserable failure. As the church we should be shouting that same message as often as possible. Today is the best day to become a better parent and becoming a better parent is about many small choices not a huge leap.
My friends at Parentzilla have one mission and that is to help parents make forward progress every day. As a way to help families this Christmas season Parentzilla is offering 3 months of premium content on their site for free. Yes, for free! This is a site that can connect you with other parents and help you begin to take steps toward being a better parent mindset and not a perfect parent illusion.
Check out the site and please know that today is the best day to become a better parent. Seize the moment and move forward in freedom. Your family needs you!