Yea, I am serious. You need your own small group and it does not need to be filled with kids, teens or college students. If you serve in any family ministry area you can never allow your passion to connect with the next generation to keep from from needed relationships with other adults. You need community and connection just as much as the teens or kids in the ministry you lead need it. Here area a few reasons you need your own small group…
- You need real friendship not connected with the ministry you lead. // yep, you need adult relationships that have no connection on the ministry you lead. Having these relationships will help you have a bigger perspective and in end simply make you a better person!
- You need to set the example. // you are asking people in your ministry to connect in small group so you need to set the example in your life and have that same community in your life. You are setting he example for your ministry but also for your own kids if you are a parent!
- You need others who will help you grow spiritually. // living life, studying the Bible, processing big ideas, having fun, and processing pain IN COMMUNITY leads to growth. Growth in isolation leads to a false sense of progress that is only knowledge based. Community frames what we learn so we can apply it in real life.
I know for me I struggled with the idea of being in a small group since I was “doing” so much in ministry. Being in an adult small group was one of the best moves I ever made in ministry.
Have you struggled to find community outside your ministry? If you are in a small group how has it made a difference in your life?
We are serving in a church that for the first time allows, expects, and makes it easy for us to ‘belong’ to a community group. I’m one week into sharing life with a group of adults not connected to what I do, and my family and I are already reaping rich benefits!
Here on our staff we require people to be in a small group. It has been HUGE for our staff health. Thanks for the comment!