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Last year at Relevant Student Ministry a few kids saw the devastation from the earthquake in Haiti and wanted to do something. They gathered a team, got help from parents, support from business leaders, and held a concert. They raised over 1,200 dollars to help people in Haiti. This year they are going for it again by not only hosting a concert and dance for high school students but also facilitating a 5k run/walk to get community support for the cause. I would love for you to check out and see what these guys are doing but I also want you to slow down long enough to think about how your ministry is empowering teens to make a difference. You have teens who have the ability to make a difference right now and they are willing to put the work in to make it happen. A great cause + teens + God = limitless potential for change in our world. How can we best help teens to make a difference?

  • Listen / when a teen has an idea they need someone to listen. Even if the idea never takes shape they need to express the idea. Be a dream encourager not a dream killer. Listen to teens when they have an idea.
  • Provide Guidance / every idea needs shaping so it can thrive in the context of your community. You can help a good idea become a great idea by taking time to provide some wisdom. This is not where you take over the project, this is where you help set the scope and direction. Every teen leader I know welcomes this help.
  • Promote / you have the influence to get others involved in the cause. Help teens get the word out and help them find ways to communicate their mission.
  • Provide resources and make connections / you may not be able to give money to an idea a teen has but I bet you can help with getting a graphic made, making a video, or providing a sound system. You an also help teens get access to people in the community who have resources. Use your connection to advance the cause.
  • Support /walk teens through the process, encourage the mission, and be ready to solve problems. Your help might be the difference maker for the cause!
  • Pray / seriously invite your team of leaders to pray for teens as they lead out. Also help our teens understand the power of inviting God to make a difference through the process. Serving can shape toe spiritual direction of teens like nothing else.