Last night my girls had an amazing time trick or treating in our neighborhood. The first thing both of them did when they came home was run to our kitchen table and dump it all out and just stare at it. One massive pile of candy. When they were able to see it all out of their bag they were able to really be THANKFUL for our neighborhood. (we have the best Halloween neighborhood in the country, for sure)
I think we need to get in the habit of taking time to look around and process all we have to be thankful for. When we step back we can really be…
- thankful for our volunteers
- thankful for our families
- thankful for the staff we serve with
- thankful for the resources we have
- thankful for churches that believe in reaching the next generation
- thankful for freedom to create and rethink our strategies
- thankful we get to do what we love and call it OUR JOB
- thankful for our Macbook Pros (ok, those of us who are Apple people)
- thankful for Jesus Christ
In our culture of progress, innovation, and obsession with what is new it is easy to never process what it means to be thankful, to be content, to be grateful. I think for our generation of leadership we must become intentional about creating a culture of gratitude. Take some time…dump everything out on the table…process what you have to be thankful for!