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On Fridays I am going to start my TOP 5 series. Thanks for the idea to Ben Reed. Everybody loves a list…ok maybe it is just me that likes a list. Today’s TOP 5 are the five magazines I am reading right now that really have my attention. With so much online content I have had to limit what magazines I subscribe to. These 5 are my favorites, there are other I like but these have my full attention. Check our my TOP 5 and feel free to comment on Facebook or the blog and let me know your TOP 5.

  • Collide // // one of my passions is creating environments where people can connect with God. Collide is dedicated to creatives who form environments inside the church. Great resource!
  • RELEVANT // // This magazine has helped me wrap my arms around “culture” better than any other tool out there. Music, movies, social movements, you name it…RELEVANT has been there trying to help readers process and understand what is going on. Every student and college ministry leader out there needs to be reading this.
  • K Magazine // // As a Family Pastor who has been immersed in student ministry for the past 10 years this magazine helps me get my arms around what is happening in children’s ministry. Very progressive, love what these guys are doing!
  • Neue // // Fantastic view into the world of CHURCH MINISTRY as a whole and what is coming next for those of us who lead inside the church.
  • Fortune // // This is where the leadership nerd in me comes out. I love the view of the business world I get from Fortune. I know some of you would kick yourself in the head if you had to read it but I really enjoy learning from leaders outside our ministry bubble.