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MERGE is our winter retreat that happens right here in our own city. Yea, we retreat but we retreat to huddle with our small groups in homes for the weekend and pray our plans for life and God’s plans come together. We pray our lives MERGE with what God is already doing and wants to do. During the weekend we gather for some incredible teaching and worship session but the heart of MERGE is in the small group. The dates this year are February 19-21; the plans are being made, and the relevant student ministry team is praying God will do incredible things. This year we are joining churches all across our city that are holding their own version of MERGE (retreat, dnow, whatever they want to call it) on the same weekend. We are even uniting for an opening worship service the Wednesday before MERGE and the ending Saturday night of the weekend. Why work together? Because we know God is not contained in any one of our churches or youth ministries. Because we know God calls for unity. Because we desperately want teens to know God is at work in our city. Because each of our ministries desire to see our city reached for Christ. Info about MERGE weekend is up for Relevant students at