Over the years I have noticed that for adults and teens (oh yea for myself also) it is so easy for us to surround ourselves with the same people that go to our same church and do the same things we do. That is all great except that part of the the Bible that tells us we are to “GO” and “make disciples”…in other words go and help others become followers of Christ. Not a big fan of knocking on strangers doors and selling Jesus like a door to door salesman. I do believe in relational evangelism, caring for people even if they never become followers of Christ. Yes, I have good friends who are not Christ followers. Yes, we do talk about what each other believe. Yes, I am blessed with those relationships. Yes, it is a process! Helping others hear, see, and experience Christ for themselves begins and ends in getting to know people. Found this short post on the Catalyst BLOG, thanks to the Catalyst team for the great reminder…
Over at The Resurgence, there’s a great article “Simplified Missional Living.”
Jonathan Dodson gives us 8 easy ways to engage non-Christians in your life. Go read his article to get the full effect, but here are the bullet points:
* Eat with non-Christians
* Walk, don’t drive ,around your neighborhood when possible.
* Be a “regular” at your local coffee shop, restaurant, market, hair cut, etc
* Hobby with non-Christians – find extra curriculars that you enjoy that you can do with all kinds of people
* Develop relationships with your co-workers and pray for them
* Volunteer with a non-profit once a month, and bring your family, friends and small group too!
* Instead of watching TV or playing XBOX, participate in city events, get in the mix
* Serve your neighbors – like weeding and fixing their cars.
Above all, strike-up conversations, be friendly, say “hi, my name’s BLANK. What’s your name?”