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Youth ministry just does not get old to me! Again tonight I am thinking though what just happened here at our weekly gathering for teens and I am overwhelmed that relevant student ministry ( has the chance to inspire the next generation to follow Christ. It just does not get old…

  • seeing teens connect each week with their friends here at REMIX, I know it is simple but it is powerful to see teens belong and connect!
  • seeing leaders become mentors to kids, every teen needs an older mentor cheering them on as they follow Christ!
  • watching students in our band lead their friends in worship of GOD, this never gets old. I love how our band serves each week.
  • seeing teens have a safe place to question faith, life, love, and their future in small group each week.
  • seeing teens let us share truth from the Bible each week…yes they get it and they work through it! They actually want to encounter truth!
  • hearing the stories of kids living out their faith and making wise decisions in their everyday life.
  • helping teens through hard choices they have made and standing with those who have gotten a raw deal from life!
  • getting to see teens serve at GCC each week as greeters, in Cross Street, Grace Acres and on our worship team, YES THEY SERVE NOW!

This is amazing and it does not get old. When it does I need to find another job! This generation of Christ followers are going to do amazing things. We get to empower them and send them out! Thanks to every teen that lets us at Relevant invest in them, you are all amazing and we believe in you!