There are so many things that youth pastors do not talk to each other about. Not sure why! Maybe we just want to talk about all the good stuff God is doing because in private we all get frustrated with the hard parts of serving in a student ministry. These are those, WHY DID NO ONE EVERY TELL ME THAT moments. They are big, we just forget how significant they are so as they creep up I am going to blog about them. Here is the latest one…
January 1, of whatever year you are in will GREATLY effect the momentum of the ministry you lead.
We had our first night back since fall last night. It was a great night. Really, God was at work. The new series, the band, lifegroups went well. This is what was different last night. Every year, in every student ministry I have led the kids come back from Christmas break and they are in the MID YEAR FUNK. In years past when January came I would run to my office after the student gathering and want to QUIT wondering what happened! What did we do wrong! I promise I picked up on it last night. It is just hard for teens to engage. There are so many factors for our community BUT no matter what, things are different when Christmas break is over and it is like this every year. Fall is an amazing time of the year with tons of natural energy and momentum in the lives of teens. Make the most of it and be ready to deal with the different vibe in January. It just takes a few weeks to gain the momentum back and it will never be as strong in January- May as it is in September. Ministry in January-May has some great opportunities but also different challenges. Just be ready for it!