Home sick today, this was not in my plan for Wednesday December 17, 2008. I really do not like being sick. Most of the time when I feel bad I just go on to work and roll on. Yesterday whatever I had drove me to a halt and I spent last night and this morning trying to get it together. Much better to be sick today rather than next week in the middle of Christmas. There are a few good things that comes from times when we face sickness. Welllllll maybe just one. It makes us realize that we are not permanent. This thing we call life, is a gift from God. Health is not guaranteed, it is a gift from God. I really convince myself that I am in control, I can work through anything, nothing can keep me down….NOT. When I am able to get up, live life, serve others, hang with my family, have fun…THAT IS A GIFT. So here from my bedroom at home I say, thanks God for all the days when I can get up and live life. Sickness sucks and health is so much better. Thanks God for the good days!
Just a reminder for all of us not take this all for granted!