Have you ever been in a meeting at church and heard people ask…How do we close the backdoor at our church? Translation – HOW DO WE KEEP ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO COME FROM LEAVING? I have wrestled with this question for years at every church I have served at. Maybe we have been asking the wrong question. Maybe there are times people are supposed to leave. Maybe my church is not where God desires that family or person to be. How can the church I serve at be all things to all people? There are simply times people have to move on. A neighbor asked me about churches in Clarksville, I told her about several that were really making a difference, not just GCC. We are not alone in this mission to reach Clarksville with the love of Jesus and we do not have all the answers. God designed the body of Christ to work together not compete. Just maybe there are times people need to leave and maybe our focus should be on the thousands of people around us who have not discovered Jesus. Here are links to three parts of a discussion Tony Morgan had about closing the backdoor, check it out…