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Got this book a few weeks ago and planned to just read one leadership thought a day. I did well for about three or four days and then I could not stop taking in several at a time. I love books that allow the reader to get in the mind of great leaders and this may be Hybel’s greatest mentoring tool yet. The book is packed with insight from his years of leading Willow Creek Church, and I was constantly blown away from the insight. No matter how you feel about the Willow Creek mode of doing church the leadership principles that guide the Willow Creek team are very helpful. There is so much packed into the book that will help any leader invest in the people around them. Go get this book and start reading it. I have started Mad Church Disease by Anne Jackson and it has been great so far. I can already tell Anne’s new book is going to be a great read. I have thoughts to share after a few pages read but I will wait until I finish.

If you are out there and you work at a job ANYWHERE I have to tell you, GET TO READING. As I look back on life I am so blessed to have been able to be mentored by countless people through their books. Right now I cannot set up a meeting with Craig Groeschel but I can read his blog and the books he writes. I can learn from Jim Collins through his books but I cannot bring him in for a staff meeting to talk to my team. If you want to grow as a person, READ! Read blogs, read the Bible, read leadership books, read fiction and nonfiction, just start today. I meet a ton of guys who give me the “I do not like to read” excuse. It is hard for me to hear when guys and gals go there because reading is a discipline just like working out. I said for years that I just did not LIKE working out. That is just not good enough. I need exercise and I know my brain brains need exercise and reading is a huge part of that process. Go to and have fun!