I am so excited I get to finally share this news with our Grace Community family. We are excited about adding Adam Bayne to the GCC staff as the Director of Cross Street. Yes Adam is my younger brother and yes it is wild to think that we will be serving together! Cross Street is our children’s ministry and this is the first full time position we have had here at GCC for children’s ministry. Our team here at GCC believes in the value of having a thriving ministry to families. We are willing to go to great lengths to make sure we keep getting better at serving kids and this is one of those steps for our church. Adam has been a 4th grade teacher in Georgia over the past three years and has done amazing job at investing in kids and parents there in the public school system. We know he will be an amazing addition to our team here at GCC. Adam and Marissa are expecting their first child (Emma Kay) in July and will be joining us here in Clarksville in August. You can find both of them on facebook if you search for in my friend list. Go welcome them to GCC!
With that big news, I am just as excited about Christy Crosby (our founding Cross Street director as volunteer then part-time staff) moving into a new role here on our team. Christy is a great friend and a great leader here at GCC. Christy is going to be moving into a Administrative role here on the team in a position we have not given a name to yet. She will be working to make sure our systems are healthy and help us collaborate better as a staff with the DETAILS of ministry. Thanks so much to Christy and Steve for all they have given as they served our kids in Cross Street. You both are amazing.
God is at work at Grace Community Church! I am so glad to be a part of this movement here in Clarksville!