Connecting Church and Home

How do we connect church and home? That’s a question many of us leading family ministries across the country are asking. What seems like an easy task is actually pretty difficult. Our team at Grace Community has been working on the process in our church culture...

Leading Change and Navigating Opposition

If you want to lead a healthy ministry then you have to be willing to lead change. There is no other option. Healthy organizations change and learn how to navigate the opposition that comes with those changes. Leading effective change is the mark of a great leader but...

4 ways to thrive with social media

Most ministries out there are plugged into some form of social media. Most of use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or have some kind of blog but the question you need to ask is are you using it effectively. The answer for most ministry leaders is no. Most churches, kids...

Onward: leadership lessons from Starbucks

It’s not very often that you get an inside look into a company during their darkest days but that is exactly the journey that the book Onward takes us on. This book tells the story of how Starbucks worked through the banking and housing crisis from 2008-2010. I...