by Michael Bayne | Aug 28, 2012 | book review
Holiness…not a word we enjoy to throw around very much. We say it and we immediately know it is something we are not. We see it as an unreachable idea since it’s a word we use to describe God. We avoid it because we believe we can never match up to the...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 13, 2012 | book review
How do you create organizations, environments, and resources for a generation that is in a state of constant change? As a pastor that is what I do. I help lead an organization, create environments, and shape resources that help people discover and grow in Christ. What...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 24, 2012 | book review, family ministry, Parenting
Summer is always a great time to catch up on some books that I need to catch up on and this summer I ran across a book every parent and family ministry leader needs to stop and read. I should have known that this was going to be a great read when I saw it was written...
by Michael Bayne | Feb 14, 2012 | book review, family ministry, leadership, multi-site, youth ministry
What would happen in the ministries we lead if we began to stretch our leadership, our volunteers, our structure, and ourselves in order to make our ministry dreams a reality? Incredible is what would happen because we serve a God who desires for us to live in faith...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 24, 2012 | book review, training, youth ministry
A good friend emailed me and asked what were a few must read books for student pastors. I made the list for him and emailed him back and then realized I have never put that list up here on the blog. I limited this list to 5 must read books but there are hundreds of...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 11, 2012 | book review, change, family ministry, leadership, vision, youth ministry
After reading You Lost Me by Dave Kinnaman and spending a week with college students at Passion 2012 I find myself more determined to help churches understand that college students and young adults are not leaving their faith but instead leaving churches all across...