by Michael Bayne | Jan 14, 2013 | family ministry, Parenting
Connecting with, supporting, and empowering parents is difficult work for most student pastors. With everything it takes to run a ministry that will connect with teens partnering with mom and dad often takes a back seat to other pressing issues. In the coming decade...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 10, 2013 | family ministry, small group, youth ministry
Every January many of us make lists of new things we want to accomplish over the coming year. Lists and goals are good but many times these new endeavors keep us so distracted we never have any time to help the ministries we lead become more consistent. What good will...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 7, 2013 | family ministry, leadership
You may or may not know this but I have spent the past 15 years serving with my wife as a volunteer on my ministry team. For the past year she has moved from a volunteer role to a staff position on our family ministry team. It does make for some interesting dinner...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 3, 2013 | family ministry, leadership
I am spending a few days at a gathering of young leaders at a conference called Passion. By a few I mean 60,000 and this week with college students and high school seniors always breathes hope into my soul for how God is working through this generation. I know when...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 20, 2012 | family ministry
This has been a wild year of ministry and I am so thankful for everyone of you out there that take time during your week to follow along with what I write here on the blog. It has been such an honor to connect with so many next generation leaders this past year. I am...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 18, 2012 | family ministry, leadership
It’s no secret, sometimes next generation leaders find themselves in some pretty tense relationships with their senior pastors. Just go to any conference and sit around listen to both senior pastors and staff members and you will hear stories of relational...