by Michael Bayne | Oct 17, 2012 | family ministry
Today I am revealing the new and improved and I’m so excited to have a new platform to blog from. Hope you enjoy the new look and feel of the site. I moved to this format so I could connect with more leaders and allow for easy interaction. Hope...
by Michael Bayne | Oct 2, 2012 | family ministry
I have a good friend who NEVER believes the best about his sports teams. Ask him how things are going and he will tell you that his teams are not doing well. It could be the line, the quarterbacks, the defensive backs, or coaching that leads to his doubt. I finally...
by Michael Bayne | Oct 1, 2012 | family ministry, Grace Community Church, youth ministry
This Sunday we announced that Grace Community Church was officially partnering with Compassion International to do ministry in Guatemala and specifically in Guatemala City. Sunday was a day I will never forget as I watched people hear the story of Compassion and...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 26, 2012 | family ministry, leadership
Meetings…we need them but so many of us seem to be drowning with them at the same time. They control our schedule to the point we have little time to get the work done we just met about with some leader, board, committee, or group. We are a church that is seven...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 21, 2012 | family ministry, Orange, youth ministry
I believe every next generation leader needs to get away at least once a year and hit a conference. At a conference you get to network, refuel, question, learn, worship, and reflect. It’s worth the time and the resources. If you are thinking about hitting a...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 20, 2012 | community, family ministry, Orange
Innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum because it always impacts other people. I know we all think that innovation happens when we hole up in isolation and come up with the next great idea. Sometimes innovation happens that way. Great ideas also happen in the...