by Michael Bayne | Aug 23, 2012 | family ministry, volunteers, youth ministry
I know this picture does not make much sense to you but for our team at Relevant Student Ministry they know it is an aerial view of our Wednesday night venue we rent and a new traffic plan for middle school parent pick up. This is just one minor change that is going...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 21, 2012 | community, family ministry, Orange, youth ministry
It’s fun to watch new small group leaders start the year off leading their groups. With the new school year cranking up this is the time when the foundation for a great year is constructed. I use the word constructed because a healthy small group never happens...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 20, 2012 | family ministry, youth ministry
My Monday mornings have been significantly different over the past few years. In the past Monday was a day filled with excitement as our team worked toward our big day of ministry on Wednesday. Everything in me was focused on getting to our program, doing our thing,...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 14, 2012 | change, children's ministry, family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
Numbers, we love them and hate them. When they are going up we celebrate. When they are lower we go into evaluation mode. When we talk about the ministries we lead we tend to mention them to our friends. Numbers are a factor for all of us but they can never be allowed...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 6, 2012 | family ministry, leadership
Sunday afternoon my oldest daughter and I were hanging out watching a movie when we heard a crash come from the garage. We have our priorities straight so we finished the movie together and then went to see what fell. A huge shelf, holding all kinds of stuff had came...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 31, 2012 | family ministry, leadership
Over the next few weeks student, kids, and college pastors all across the country will be beginning new semesters, reaching new students, and partnering with new volunteers. Many of us will be making changes and change always brings tension. For the new leaders and...