by Michael Bayne | Apr 25, 2012 | children's ministry, family ministry, multi-site, Orange, orange 12
At Grace Community Church we are a portable church. We rent 2 schools for our Sunday environments and we rent a local church on Wednesday nights for our student ministry. We live the portable idea every week. Sometimes we love it and sometimes we hate it. One thing we...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 25, 2012 | family ministry, leadership, team building
As a family pastor there is nothing harder than helping our team stay aligned. My job is to help our preschool, children’s, youth, and college leaders fight together for a common vision instead of just for the ministry they lead. Our team at Grace Community is...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 25, 2012 | family ministry, Orange, Orange 2012
It’s the night before the Orange Conference and once again this year I am so excited about how God is going to work in the lives of next generation leaders. For three days preschool, children’s, youth, and college pastors and volunteers (even a few senior...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 23, 2012 | children's ministry, community, family ministry, youth ministry
All small group leaders sign up to lead with one goal and that is to help their group become more like Christ. We sign up and have dreams of our kids or teens sitting around listening to us talk about the great truths of the Bible, asking deep questions, and walking...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 19, 2012 | children's ministry, family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
In student and children’s ministry there are just days when you want to walk away. There are times we look at what we are doing an wonder what is happening here? Is God working or not. Moments like these…when only 2 out of 10 kids show up for small...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 18, 2012 | family ministry, high school ministry, leadership, middle school ministry, serve, youth ministry
What can a teen do? Just about anything if they have people around them who believe in them. Teens can accomplish so much and student ministries and the church are in the perfect place to help teens make an incredible difference in this world. Why is that? We already...