by Michael Bayne | Apr 17, 2012 | children's ministry, family ministry, Parenting
Most teens and adults I know tell me they have a hard time making time to read the Bible. It’s so common that I am beginning to believe we are simply waiting too long to help people start incorporating God’s word into their lives. We convince ourselves...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 17, 2012 | children's ministry, family ministry, Orange, youth ministry
This month I am going to be blogging about some curriculum thoughts we have here in our family ministry at Grace Community Church. Six years ago we linked arms with a group of writers who had a new idea of how curriculum should function. After six years of working...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 10, 2012 | children's ministry, community, family ministry, leadership, staff development, youth ministry
It’s so easy to forget that we have an enemy in this life. The Bible teaches that Satan looks to destroy the lives of those who call on the name of Jesus. When Jesus taught about our enemy he said…The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 9, 2012 | children's ministry, family ministry, staff development, youth ministry
Yes Easter is a big deal if you serve on a church staff. It’s kind of the biggest week of the year because it’s one time when people let their guard down, bring their families to church, and give us a shot to share the message of Jesus Christ with them. We...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 5, 2012 | family ministry, Orange, youth ministry
You need to see this video for 2 reasons. One, I’m hoping if you are at the Orange Conference this month we can connect. Two, one of my good friends gets hurt in this video and it is pretty funny. Seriously I hope we can connect at Orange. This year I will be...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 3, 2012 | children's ministry, family ministry, high school ministry, middle school ministry, relevant student ministry, youth ministry
I know it does not sound like fun but our student ministry has a no pranks allowed policy for all our events and that has been my standard in every student ministry I have led over the past 13 years. Do I like pulling pranks…yes. Do I like having pranks pulled...