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our team…

This week on Ron Edmondson’s blog (yea I work with the guys here at GCC) wrote about what a great team member looks like. I agree with Ron, I think God has put a great team together here at Grace. This list Ron reminded me of what makes our team tick and I might...

fresh perspective

Three weeks ago we had a “secret shopper” drop in with his family at Grace Community Church. A secret shopper is just someone you ask to come in and check out your organization. This was our first time to try this process out and today our staff got to sit...

HELP, I’m changing churches!

Where people choose to go to church is a big deal and changing churches is even bigger! People think, pray, worry, flip-flop, discuss, change their minds, and then do it all over again when it comes to moving to a new church. If there is one thing I have learned it is...

so proud of the…MAJESTIC DRAGONS

I did what I said I would never let happen at Relevant Student Ministry…this summer we had a softball team. Here were the rules.Michael Bayne will never come to a game. // Seriously, I would burn every bat and ball at the park the first time I saw a youth pastor...