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Are You Drifting Away from the Mission?

For every organization (church, ministry, non-profit) there is a tendency to drift away from mission, to become an institution rather than a movement. A few years ago I had the chance to connect with the middle school staff at North Point Church and got to hear Andy...

Big Problems Demand Big Creativity

The best problem solvers in the world are people who strive to get creative when problems arise. Solving real problems your ministry faces today will never happen if you always run to the same solutions that worked yesterday. New problems require new solutions for...

Is Your Ministry Living in Dysfunction?

Ministry health never happens by accident. Creating and leading a healthy ministry is a result of the difficult work of confronting dysfunctions that every team is drawn toward. This past month our ministry team at Grace Community Church worked through the 5...

Confronting Criticism

This week I got a very interesting email from a conference I spoke at this past year. I got my evaluation forms for my session and had the chance to see all the feedback from the people in my sessions. When I recieved the email I immediatly opened up the results and...