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What Every Leader Has to Keep Working On

char·ac·ter –noun 1. the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. Character is something every leader has to continually “work on.” It is always in motion, always being developed and always needs to be...

That’s Not Funny

I’m sure at some point you have worked on a project for a camp, retreat, or a conference intending it to be funny and then had someone watch it or read it and look you right in the eye only to say…that’s not funny. You immediately take it around to...

Beyond Email

Email, direct messages, and Facebook messages are great but at times I think they add stress to our lives instead of solving the eternal problem of effective communication. People today send you an email and think they have done their job in communicating their...

What Are You Dreaming About?

What are you dreaming about when it comes to the ministry you lead? A few years ago I heard Andy Stanley remind leaders at the Catalyst Conference that when the memories of the past are bigger than your dreams for the future the end is near. God works and breathes...