by Michael Bayne | May 1, 2013 | family ministry, leadership
Rest actually needs to be a priority as we lead. Never really considered that idea until I heard a speaker recently point out that when God stepped back on the seventh day He actually was able to look over his creation and evaluate what He had done. God was able to...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 30, 2013 | leadership
There is a moment in the life of Mary (mother of Jesus) when God sends an angel to speak to her. The angel is confident and has a specific message for Mary…a message she needs in the moment…a message that will shape her future. She hears the message and...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 26, 2013 | leadership, Orange
Had the chance to hang out with Jim Wideman and Kenny Conley as they led a session at the Orange Conference on conflict resolution. One guarantee in leadership is you will face seasons of conflict. How you lead through it determines how conflict will shape the health...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 24, 2013 | leadership, Orange
This morning I get to lead a breakout session during pre-conference at Orange 13 with the Next Gen / Family Pastor track. I am not a handout kind of guy so I am posting my notes here on the blog. The question we all have as we lead is how can we make a lasting impact....
by Michael Bayne | Apr 16, 2013 | Grace Community Church, leadership
For the past six years I have been the Family Pastor here at Grace Community Church and on Monday we let our church know that I would be changing roles as I begin my seventh year here at the church. Last week I officially moved into the role of Executive Pastor and I...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 15, 2013 | leadership, Parenting
This afternoon our Rossview Campus Pastor Eddie Christenberry yelled across the hall to me letting me know there had been a bombing at the Boston Marathon. Like all of you, we began to follow the tragedy online and work to discover the details. Our staff is praying...