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FUSE…student ministry at NewSpring

The student ministry team at NewSpring Church in Anderson, South Carolina let me come in and check out their weekly gathering for teens called FUSE tonight. What I did not know was this was their first night in their new Fuse building. New Spring went all out...

Unleash conference and new spring church

Blogging from Charlotte, NC and about to get my rental car from HERTZ of course and head to Anderson, SC to check out the student ministry at New Spring Church and then go to the Unleash Conference on Thursday. Could not hit a student ministry conference this year so...

thanks YOUNG LIFE clarksville

Chelsea and I hosted a table tonight at the Young Life Clarksville banquet and once again this year I am reminded how thrilled I am that YL is here in our city. If you have a YL in your city please take time to see how your youth ministry and church can support the...

weekend thoughts…

We started a new series here at GCC this Sunday called EPIC. For the next several weeks we are literally going to dive into the story of God. His story is amazing and it is weaved all through the Bible. So many of my friends need this (well, I need it to!) because...

MERGE 2009 coming soon to RSM

Merge is a weekend retreat we do each year at relevant student ministry where we get away by staying right here in town. By get away I mean, we get OUT OF OUR NORMAL FLOW. The weekend is built so that our lifegroups can spend one weekend together connecting with each...