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social networking?

Started this social networking thing with myspace, moved to facebook and now I am considering twitter. Please talk me out of twitter. I need help. This landscape is always going to be changing. I talk to tons of teens that are running from facebook as their primary...

defining reality for my family

I admit it, I am really on a defining reality kick. I read back over my blog yesterday and I thought about all the implications this leadership principle has for my home. It is so important that Chelsea and I both actively seek to define reality in each others life...

define reality

One of the best books on leadership I have ever read is Leadership is an Art by Max Dupree. In the book he says that a leader’s first responsibility is to define reality. I am in an define reality kind of mood. I think it has been brought on by my need to...

Axiom by Bill Hybels

Got this book a few weeks ago and planned to just read one leadership thought a day. I did well for about three or four days and then I could not stop taking in several at a time. I love books that allow the reader to get in the mind of great leaders and this may be...

the weekend wrap…

Ok, weekends for me mean Friday and Saturday and it is going to be a fun weekend. Valentines Day is this weekend and that is a big deal in a house full of women. Got some great gift ideas for Koz and Kel and Chelsea and I are going on a little Nashville date Saturday....

made the call

Sometimes you just have to make a decision. Last night was an odd night at REMIX. We had storms all day, trees were knocked down, traffic lights out, TRAFFIC WAS CRAZY in Clarksville. I just made the call and we called off REMIX around 5:30. We text messaged, emailed,...