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6 Moves that Help Maximize a Conference

Spending a few days hanging out with a few thousand student pastors and next gen leaders here at the National Youth Worker Convention in Dallas. It has been several years since I have been to this conference but it has played a huge role in shaping me as a leader over...

6 Moves that Lead to a Killer Retreat

Leading an effective retreat is really hard work. There are so many moving parts that have to come together if the weekend is going to be effective. If you have ever planned one then you know what I am talking about. Travel, lodging, meeting space, food, fun, leaders,...

Want Momentum? Embrace Change

Ministries that are stuck are ministries that resist change. We want momentum, we look for it, we pray for it but many of us have not accepted that sustained momentum must be linked to constant change. As leaders we have to be willing to tweak, improve, and reinvent...

10 Must Have iPad Apps for Ministry

I invested in an iPad over a year ago now and I can’t imagine not having one now. I use mine almost every day in my role at church and I have to admit it has been a great investment. I use it in every meeting I am in so I have my notes in a reliable place. I use...

5 Marks of a Healthy Student Ministry

What does a healthy student ministry look like? Is it the numbers a ministry runs every week? Is health found in fun events that attract a crowd? Is success linked to the number of small groups we have? Is it all about the number of teens baptized? Truth is that...