by Michael Bayne | Sep 9, 2011 | family ministry, leadership, volunteers, youth ministry
Every volunteer on our team needs to be doing significant things. Volunteers need to know what what they do matters and if they are not on our team they will be missed. Our family ministry team is on a mission right now to empower our volunteers like never before. We...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 7, 2011 | leadership, staff development, youth ministry
Yesterday I talked about what senior pastors need from student pastors. If you are a student pastor and you want a healthy relationship with your senior pastor then you have to be willing to fight for it, to make it a priority. There are also some basic things that...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 7, 2011 | leadership, youth ministry
Head to any conference, listen to conversations around you, and you will soon discover that tons of senior pastors and student pastors have chaotic relationships. Sure they love each other and need each other but they often find themselves butting heads....
by Michael Bayne | Aug 31, 2011 | community, Grace Community Church, relevant student ministry, youth ministry
In life we all face loss. On Sunday night we found out that 2 teenagers (a senior and a college freshman) connected with our church and student ministry died in a car wreck. Watching our students deal with loss has been difficult. Our volunteer team has even struggled...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 26, 2011 | family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
If you work with teens or kids crisis moments are things you work hard to avoid. We have policies, guidelines, safeguards, and checklists but still if you are reaching people then crisis will knock on your door from time to time. An accident, a volunteer mistake, a...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 24, 2011 | family, family ministry, Parenting, youth ministry
Balancing family and ministry is a constant struggle for parents in ministry. Chelsea and I both have leadership roles at Grace Community Church and the demand for us to balance home and church has become even more important. There are times both of us have...