We are experimenting a little this week here at GCC. At www.gcomchurch.com we will have a daily blog leading up to this weekends message in the gathering. Yea, we are hoping that some of you will go there each day, think through the book of Ester and then check out the message on Sunday. This is just a trial run for us but we feel that there are many of us who want to be asking questions all week and not just on Sunday. This is just one way to help all of us connect better with the message on Sunday. I am not sure about you but for me I am always looking for a new way to explore the Bible. We can not wait to see how it works. Go check it out. If you want you can get the blog emailed to you each day also. Just go check it out on the website.
This has been an incredible summer so far at GCC. Yea, we know a bunch of you are out on vacation but we hope the weeks you are there with your family you are really connecting. This summer we are using the superheroes theme in both our kids area and as our guide in the adult gathering. Yes of k-5th graders and our adults are looking at the same passage of scripture each Sunday. We go in a adult driven direction each week with the adults but it seems to be connecting. The series has really gone well so far. This is just an experiment, but we think our kids and parents will be able to talk about God on a different level each week. This week Kozbi and I both talked about Jacob and Esau, it was incredible. Thanks to the guys at NorthPoint for releasing this summer series to help us jump off with this idea. Our kids are going crazy with the series, they love it. You can check out this series for kids at www.northpoint.org .
Thrilled we get to experiment! All of us who are followers of Christ need to be on the front lines of trusting God to help us find what He is doing next. God always has a new thing coming. He is always thinking of next before we are. Experimenting in our weekly environments helps us to stay in that place of faith we need do be. The moment we figure it all out is the time where we need to be ready to go backwards in the process of making disciples. Francis Chan asks in his new book Crazy Love and age old questions. What are we doing in our church that takes faith? What are we doing that we can not do if God does not show up and move? Hard questions but they do lead us to step out and see what is next and try new things. God for it, try something, trust God, follow His lead. God made us in His image to be create and dream. Lets go for it! I would much rather try something and fail than sit back and complain about a problem or issue.
Heading to Chicago this week with my wife! Oh it is gonna be fun, will have some stuff from the windy city for sure.
Have fun in Chicago!
We fly to Philly on Friday for Kennedy’s surgery… which will be on the 2nd. We’re going to miss GCC while we’re gone!
Keep Kenn in your prayers, please! See you in August!