In 2007 our staff at Grace Community sat down in a room for an all day staff meeting. We spend the first half of the day working through current issues and the second half of the day dreaming and setting some goals. We split into teams and went for it. It was a no holds barred time of dreaming. We wrote it all down, prayed, and we left that day excited about what God might do in our city and church. This week Ron, one of our co-pastors, emailed out that list of goals from 2007. I opened it up and almost freaked out. God has allowed us to see most of what we dreamed about come to reality. I really believe that God is in the inspiring business. I love that God plants ideas and dreams in our hearts that He wants us to go after. When we look out and set goals we are put in the place of trusting God to do things we can not do on our own…I think that is called faith. Goals matter, dreams matter…they set our course and inspire us to move forward. In the coming weeks our team is going to sit down again and dream. I cannot wait to see what God does next!