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Our family ministry team is headed to Atlanta to our favorite conference of the year. I have been to tons of conferences in my time in ministry but none that fires me up more than Orange. This is the one conference that brings together youth, children, preschool, and family ministers into one environment to dream about how we are going to capture the heart of the next generation for Jesus Christ. Did you get that…all age group leaders working together. If you go to GCC you know this is the idea we are trying to live out. Imagine the CHURCH working with PARENTS to combine our influence into a child’s life. Yellow and Red make ORANGE…2 influences working together…get it, ORANGE! Our team is getting away to learn, dream, evaluate, and plan. We are excited and hope to bring back new inspiration for our effort to partner with parents in Clarksville. The rest of the week I will be blogging from the conference and of course hitting my thoughts up on TWITTER ( )

Go check out the Orange Conference at >>>>