What difference am I making? That is a question all of us ask no matter what organization we work for. Is what I do every day for 50 hours a week really making a difference? Josh Griffin, the high school pastor at Saddleback Community Church posted this graphic on twitter from a talk Doug Fields gave and I can’t get it out of my head. (Doug has been a distant mentor of mine for years, if you are in student ministry go buy every book he has written and just soak in the vision and wisdom) Our legacy is not determined by our title, what church / organization we lead, or how much money we make. Our legacy is shaped by how we lead others and love others. Living a life of significance that leaves a mark on those around us is created moment by moment in everyday life. The kind of life that leaves a mark starts right now with the way I lead and the way I love. Leaving a mark starts and ends with relationships…not a title or position. Do you want to leave a mark? Start today…