Leading change is one of the hardest things any leader has to do. Most next generation leaders love change. We love change because we know it will help the ministry grow. The people you lead are not always as excited about change because you are changing their routine. Our team at Grace Community Church understand this process because we are a little addicted to change. We also have experienced the pain of change when the people resisted the process. Today at The Orange Conference Carey Nieuwhof talked us through the process of making exponential change in our church culture. Check out these 5 steps to take and look for his ebook on this process summer of 2012.
1. Start by casting a vision bigger than yourself (your organization)
Outward vision attracts people.
A bigger vision implies bigger change.
Plot and share trajectory. Reveal where we are doing and what happens if there is no change.
2. Focus on the why behind the what.
Why is the best question a leader can answer.
Why unites.
How and what divides.
3. Set realistic expectation for everyone
Understand but don’t be deterred by the cost.
People will leave.
Change before decline. Courageous leaders ask questions in their best days.
Changing what’s working can create greater long term success.
Asking questions early leads to a season of conflict.
Conflict is not fun but you will have to make change before others see the need.
The greatest threat to your future success is your current success.
4. Communicate in concentric circles.
Make sure the people most invested have the most information.
Dialog with the core. / Don’t make changes in isolation.
Get input from the committed. / Many times people don’t want to make decisions they just want input.
Get information to the congregation.
Vision to the crowd.
Invitation to the community.
5. Be prepared to change again. You are never done.
Don’t rest on your success. Don’t trust in your success more than the need to change.
Stay committed to the vision but not nessesarily to the methods.
Hold your model loosely and your mission tightly.