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Why Should I Stay?

We can all talk about reasons we have for leaving the ministry/church we lead! Come on, be honest…you know there are things that drive you crazy about your position. Many times when we talk about finding the right environment to serve in we talk about moving to...

Monsters in Your Small Group

In every small group at every age level there are monsters that show up from time to time. Sometimes it’s a controversial idea that divides the group. Sometimes it’s a new member that throws the flow of the group off. Sometimes it’s drama that one of...

Dealing with the Squeaky Wheel

The squeaky wheel get’s the grease. You have probably heard that saying hundreds of times from a hundred different people. It’s true that the loudest problems in your organization will probably get your attention but what if the loudest problem is really...

Make REST a Priority

Rest actually needs to be a priority as we lead. Never really considered that idea until I heard a speaker recently point out that when God stepped back on the seventh day He actually was able to look over his creation and evaluate what He had done. God was able to...

When God Speaks

There is a moment in the life of Mary (mother of Jesus) when God sends an angel to speak to her. The angel is confident and has a specific message for Mary…a message she needs in the moment…a message that will shape her future. She hears the message and...