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Awkward Leads to Intimacy

Awkward moments lead to intimacy. I’m not saying that we enjoy awkward moments but just stop and think about this idea with your small group. Intimacy in the context of small group is born when someone is willing to ask the awkward question and someone else is...

Are You Distracted?

One of the most difficult challenges for any leader is to stay focused. Maybe it’s just me but I’m easily distracted. I’m not talking about multitasking because I enjoy the process of being involved with several projects and ministries at one time....

The Hardest Day of the Week

The hardest day of the week for me is no doubt Monday. Don’t misunderstand, I love hitting the office on Monday. Love getting to start a new week with different projects. The struggle with Monday for me is that my brain is swimming with evaluation over Sunday...

Top 10 Posts from Orange Week

This week bloggers all across the country have been processing the orange strategy online and I wanted to gather my favorite 10 posts from the week. I also want to give away an incredible book called Leading Change Without Losing It by my friend Carey Nieuwhof. This...