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No More Perfect Parents

Often parents don’t partner with our next generation ministries because we continue to elevate the picture of the perfect family and the perfect parent. I know we love talking about these imaginary families from stage, in our newsletters, and in parent meetings...

Managing the Drive to Make a Difference

Many next generation leaders I know are driven leaders. When you listen to them and unpack their schedule you find one common theme…busyness. Driven leaders are busy leaders but many times the drive pushes us to ignore everything else in life besides...

What Can You Quit?

It’s Thanksgiving week and I know it’s time to look around and process all that you are thankful for but I have one more request for you this week. This year look around and also figure out what you are not thankful for and ask yourself, is this something...

6 Moves that Help Maximize a Conference

Spending a few days hanging out with a few thousand student pastors and next gen leaders here at the National Youth Worker Convention in Dallas. It has been several years since I have been to this conference but it has played a huge role in shaping me as a leader over...