by Michael Bayne | Aug 14, 2012 | change, children's ministry, family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
Numbers, we love them and hate them. When they are going up we celebrate. When they are lower we go into evaluation mode. When we talk about the ministries we lead we tend to mention them to our friends. Numbers are a factor for all of us but they can never be allowed...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 13, 2012 | book review
How do you create organizations, environments, and resources for a generation that is in a state of constant change? As a pastor that is what I do. I help lead an organization, create environments, and shape resources that help people discover and grow in Christ. What...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 9, 2012 | youth ministry
Because we host an annual open house for new families in our community and new 6th graders entering our middle school ministry our team is forced every year to ask one big question. Why do we do youth ministry? I love that we are forced to revisit the question very...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 8, 2012 | free stuff, high school ministry, middle school ministry, youth ministry
My friends over at the Youth Cartel just released a great list of the top 25 youth ministry blogs. As I read the list I saw some new blogs I want to check out and some others that have been amazing resources for me over the years. You can go over to the Youth Cartel...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 7, 2012 | Grace Community Church, relevant student ministry, youth ministry
This past Sunday we released our first worship album as a church. This is a five song EP that captures the five songs that have shaped our church the past 2 years. I could not be more proud of our worship and tech team for putting in the hard work to make this project...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 6, 2012 | family ministry, leadership
Sunday afternoon my oldest daughter and I were hanging out watching a movie when we heard a crash come from the garage. We have our priorities straight so we finished the movie together and then went to see what fell. A huge shelf, holding all kinds of stuff had came...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 31, 2012 | family ministry, leadership
Over the next few weeks student, kids, and college pastors all across the country will be beginning new semesters, reaching new students, and partnering with new volunteers. Many of us will be making changes and change always brings tension. For the new leaders and...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 31, 2012 | children's ministry, family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
The best part about the Olympics is that they only happen every four years. Seriously, what makes the Olympics great is that there is such a large gap in between the games. The gap in between games gives us time to actually look forward to these 2 weeks. The space in...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 26, 2012 | Grace Community Church, Parenting, relevant student ministry, youth ministry
In just a few weeks on August 8 at Relevant Student Ministry we will host our 2012 Open House for families to check out what we do as a youth ministry. We make this night happen for new families that have moved into our area, for new 6th graders, for incoming...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 25, 2012 | community, youth ministry
Crisis…it always shows up when we least expect it and I promise if you are a small group leader you will have surprise visits from it when you are not really prepared. When crisis shows up in your small group how you respond as a leader will set the tone for how...