by Michael Bayne | Feb 8, 2012 | family ministry, Orange, staff development, team building, volunteers
2011 was a year that pushed our family ministry team to make some big moves. God used the Orange Conference to help us see the direction we needed to go, and God used a specific breakout, led by my friend Tom Shefchunas, to help me see we had to get better are...
by Michael Bayne | Feb 7, 2012 | family ministry, Orange, team building, training, volunteers, youth ministry
There is nothing like a conference with your team to inspire, refuel, and provoke change! With the Orange conference coming up in a few months and time to register, this is the perfect time to plan a conference for your team. We have done this several ways here with...
by Michael Bayne | Feb 6, 2012 | Uncategorized
When do you need a curriculum partner? Right now! Don’t get me wrong, I love that so many kids and student pastors are creating amazing curriculum for the ministries they lead. We create some great stuff with our team here at Grace Community but one idea we...
by Michael Bayne | Feb 6, 2012 | family ministry, Orange, youth ministry
We’re about 80 days away from the Orange Conference and I can’t wait to see how God works during those days that we set aside to process how we can reach this generation and partner with families. For the next week I am going to “think orange”...
by Michael Bayne | Feb 3, 2012 | family ministry, leadership
It’s been an incredible experience the past few years to meet so many amazing kids ministry leaders across the country and begin to learn from them. Yes I said it…this old student ministry guy is learning from kids ministry leaders. I know those lines...
by Michael Bayne | Feb 2, 2012 | Grace Community Church, leadership, team building, training, youth ministry
Many people find themselves graduating college and asking if the need to gain needed experience or move further in their education with a graduate degree. In reality you need both. One of the most dangerous things people in ministry can do is wait to serve. Your call...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 31, 2012 | change, leadership, team building, volunteers
Every leader on every church staff looks around and can see problems at the church they serve because they have an behind the scene view that not many others have. If you have problems where you serve now you are normal just like everyone else in the church world. I...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 30, 2012 | change, family ministry, production, training, youth ministry
This past Sunday our team at Grace Community partnered with Cross Point in Nashville and sent each other staff (with families) to be secret shoppers for the day. Of course we all kept it quiet and we showed up at each others campus to experience the environment as a...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 26, 2012 | family ministry, leadership, volunteers
Chances are you have a ton of volunteers or potential volunteers in your church who can help you take your ministry to the next level. We have learned we get better when we allow people to bring their expertise into our environments and help us improve. I’m...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 25, 2012 | change, family ministry, Orange, vision, youth ministry
Why don’t student and children’s pastors get along? I think most of it stems from the fact that we are not in the same room enough, sitting at the same table, and dreaming about the same things. I think now more than ever it’s time for...