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Orange Week, Sept. 19-23

The coming week is a big week…registration for The Orange Conference 2012 opens up and we hope you will jump in and join us in Atlanta. Another reason I am excited about next week is that a bunch of my friends are going to be writing about Orange on their blogs....

Ed’s story

Overwhelmed by the amazing day from the Story Conference today. The passion, the thought, the ideas, and the dreams that come from this conference are mind boggling. If you follow my blog you know that when I am at a conference I write…I write alot. Today I was...

Blogging from the Story Conference

This week is all about setting time aside to process, think, and dream about what is possible. Tuesday I had the chance to connect with friends and think about family ministry at the Orange Tour and Thursday and Friday I will be at the Story Conference. STORY is a...

moving targets

When you serve kids, teens and college students you are serving moving targets. They are in constant motion. Their outlook is constantly changing. They influences are consistently morphing. This generation and all that will come ahead of us are moving targets. How do...

blogging from the Orange Tour today

Excited about spending the day here at the Orange Tour with some of our Grace Community Church team thinking Orange. I will be blogging and tweeting and thinking out load through the day so check back here for a few updates. More importantly I hope you will check out...


Today has been a day to look back and remember those who sacrificed so much on 9-11-01 ten years ago. I find myself just being thankful for all those who stand in the gap in this fight to protect our nation. I’m so blessed to know so many incredible people who...