by Michael Bayne | May 24, 2011 | family ministry, youth ministry
Who are you investing in? Investing in and mentoring other people is slow and time consuming and usually does not make the top list of things we can do to help our church or ministry move forward.
by Michael Bayne | May 19, 2011 | leadership
We all doubt. It’s natural, it’s talked about in scripture, it drives is to search for truth, and sometimes God uses it to help us discern difficult situations in life. Doubt is natural but self doubt has the potential to be a paralyzing force in our...
by Michael Bayne | May 18, 2011 | family ministry, Parenting
One thing I know about families today is that we are busy. If you have kids then your life is so much more busy than the pre-kid days. We now have 2 girls and our pace of life just keeps getting more hectic. One of the best books I have ever read as a parent is The 3...
by Michael Bayne | May 16, 2011 | family ministry, youth ministry
We might not admit it publicly but when we have low attendance nights it is hard to deal with. Our teams put tons of time and effort into setting up our environments to make the maximum impact and when students are gone we all struggle. I was reminded last week there...
by Michael Bayne | May 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
This Sunday will be our last Cross Street Live of the school year. If you have kids then you are a parent and you need to make sure you are there! Cross Street Live is an interactive family experience where kids and parents laugh, learn, and worship together as a...
by Michael Bayne | May 11, 2011 | family ministry, Parenting
Word’s are powerful. They shape who we are, how we feel, the direction we are headed in life. Have you though about the words you are communicating to your children on a daily basis. Your words as a parent have the power to mold the heart of a child. They are...
by Michael Bayne | May 10, 2011 | middle school ministry, planning, youth ministry
Summer break is just a few weeks away and for those of us who invest in teens and summer brings opportunity to mix things up. Seriously, there is no reason to not mix things up in your ministry every summer. I know some of you try to keep normal programming going but...
by Michael Bayne | May 9, 2011 | family ministry, leadership
Finding time to meet as a Family Ministry Team is difficult. Our team all works on the same floor here at the Grace Community Church office so we interact and connect daily but also set aside a monthly meeting to allow us to block our time to look ahead as a team....
by Michael Bayne | May 6, 2011 | family ministry, Grace Community Church
Yea we know Mother’s Day is this weekend and we wanted to give kids a little present they could wrap up for mom. If you live in Clarksville or Uganda wrap up an invite to the greatest show on earth Cross Street Live. Next Sunday we wrap up an amazing season of...