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Compassion…empowers the family

The boy in the blue shirt is named William. I had the chance to meet William in his home who lives with his grandmother. William lives with his grandmother because his mom abandoned him. When his grandmother told the story William began to cry. He told us that even...

Compassion…connects lives

These two pictures help reveal the connection that compassion helps to make around the world. Compassion Internatinal believes in one kid…one sponsor and that link creates a connection between lives as letters are shared. Today I had the chance to visit the...

Compassion…brings hope

This is Fannie, I met her and heard her story today. Yes Fannie has a funny name if you live in the United States but her story was inspiring. Fannie is 27 and mom to a healthy little boy. If it was not for the the Child Survival Program of Compassion International...

the day ahead…

Arrived late last night and woke up to this as my view. So excited to have the chance to meet the people of Quito, Ecuador. Today we are going to get to connect with some local pastors who sponsor Compassion Projects…every compassion project is connected to a...

making change now…

Change. We all struggle with how to deal with it. We know our organizations need it but we struggle with making it happen. I have never read a book that has helped me understand how to move people through change like this book from Chip and Dan Heath called Switch....

a few videos from MERGE 11

One thing is true at Relevant Student Ministry…we believe in having fun. With that said we wanted to put out these 2 videos we did to start our morning sessions at MERGE 11. Enjoy…I promise, they are dumb but that was the goal.