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Merge 11…amazing!

Not sure how to put into words how amazing MERGE 11 was for Relevant Student Ministry. We watched as God delivered all weekend. Our speaker could not make it due to his flight being canceled 2 times…God delivered and helped our team speak at each of the...

Merge 11 weekend

It’s a big weekend here at Relevant Student Ministry…it’s time for Merge. Not going to be blogging for the next few days because we have a ton to get ready for this weekend and I just need to focus. Merge is a small group weekend where small groups...

start with the good

If you have a team that reports to you (paid staff or volunteers) you job is to help empower, train, and equip them to become the best team they can possibly be. We very rarely see ourselves as coaches. We have a team, we have a goal, and we have to lead our team to...

taking time out to SERVE

For those of us who lead student and kid ministries we are in the serving business. We work with large teams of volunteers who invest in the lives of the next generation. We ask people to give their time for an amazing mission. We ask volunteers to serve but when do...

parents…you are SIGNIFICANT

We spend so much of our lives looking for significance. We crave it. We want to know our lives count for something, that what we do a work matters, that somehow we are important. I am guy so I know all about our search for significance. For men this is a big...

what are your plans?

Seth Godin is one of my favorite blogger, speaker, writer people out there and one of the few blogs I have emailed to my email inbox every day. This morning he wrote on his blog that making big plans is the only way to make big things happen. I think this principle...

TEAMWORK is possible…

One principle that I have learned over the past 4 years at the Orange Conference has beenĀ  the potential of teamwork in our family ministries. As a student pastor I was always skeptical about partnering with the kids ministry or college ministry. I had a plan, I had a...