by Michael Bayne | Jan 20, 2011 | Grace Community Church, multi-site
Spending the afternoon installing Fellowship One on computers for our preschool and K-5 check-in areas at our new campus in north Clarksville. Our first test run is this Sunday and our launch is January 30. One thing launching a new campus has done for our team is...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 19, 2011 | family ministry, youth ministry
Authentic worship…Authentic community…Authentic church…Authentic ministry…Authentic leadership…Authentic prayer…Why in the world do we feel the need to add the word authentic to everything we do or experience? It seems to be we are...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 18, 2011 | family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
This week our kids ministry and small group ministry worked together to have 2 events going on in one area of our facility on the same Sunday. They worked out the timing, the space usage, the lighting, and then both events pulled off with success. It took some careful...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 17, 2011 | Grace Community Church
We are 13 days away from launching our second campus at Grace Community and then energy is high on our team. We are excited about this new adventure. This morning we commissioned our launch team heading out and it was an exciting reminder that this is real…this...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 14, 2011 | family ministry, leadership
At our office we try to keep our doors open as much as possible. We love the exchange if ideas that comes we when we have freedom to connect with each other during the day. We want conversation to happen and ideas to flow freely. What we are discovering when you have...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 12, 2011 | Grace Community Church, relevant student ministry, youth ministry
We have had Christmas, New Years, bowl games, and lots of snow but tonight RELEVANT student ministry kicks back into full speed ahead mode with THE MIX (our middle school service) and REMIX (our high school service) kicking off. As we start the new year we could not...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 12, 2011 | family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
You never know where you are going to be inspired. This week inspiration came from my daughters and their friends in our neighborhood. We didn’t quite get the amount of snow we wanted but what did the girls do…they made the most of what they had. They...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 11, 2011 | leadership
With the launch of our second campus just a few weeks away I can sense an awkward emotion in our office at Grace Community…STRESS. Yea I know many of you work in stressful church environments where you have to deal with lots of people who stress you out, but we...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 7, 2011 | leadership
What I love about the beginning of a new year is hope! The new year is a time to rethink, plan, and embrace hope for a new year. I personally am kind of addicted to hope. I become a pretty miserable person when I lose hope. I also become a miserable leader when I have...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 6, 2011 | family ministry, youth ministry
What is the missing element for many teens when it comes to faith? I believe it is relationships of significance. For many teens their faith is connected with an emotional moment, a camp, a night, a speaker, or a retreat. When those emotional feelings are gone then...