by Michael Bayne | Dec 16, 2010 | family ministry, youth ministry
What’s next for YOUTH MINISTRY is a question I think about because I am always asking what is next for the our youth ministry here at Grace Community Church. If you hope to invest in teens (not just the teens that come to your church) then you better be asking...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 15, 2010 | change, leadership
What’s your motivation for implementing CHANGE in your organization? I think this is a question we need to ask ourselves constantly as we lead the staff and volunteers around us. A healthy organization, ministry, non-profit is one that utilizes change in order...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
A few years ago at Catalyst I got to hear from 2 guys named Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite and learned about their mission to help people understand and live out the second chances God gives his people. We call that grace. It is messy but so needed. The Catalyst team...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 13, 2010 | family, family ministry
Today was a change of plan day around our house. The snow came down, school got closed, and I rearranged my day to be at home for the morning. The change of plan was perfect because it allowed us to make some memories. As a parent one of the greatest things we can do...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 10, 2010 | leadership, Top 5
I am so thankful for the leaders who have mentored me over the years. When I look back on my time in ministry there were so many people who took the time to invest in me and gave me opportunities to lead. I have now learned that mentoring is not an age thing. You...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 10, 2010 | leadership, youth ministry
Arrogance…that is a strong word and when you talk about spiritual arrogance it goes to an entirely new level. Nothing makes the Christian look less like Christ than arrogance. We are a people who have been blessed with truth. We have been redeemed through...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 8, 2010 | family, family ministry
The one word that could change your family life is NO. I’m not talking about saying NO more to your kids, we do that all the time! I am talking about all the other people out there that keep demanding more and more time, attention, and money from your family....
by Michael Bayne | Dec 8, 2010 | production
You have to take a few minutes and check out this opener the team at North Point did as they launched their Christmas series. You may watch it and wonder why any church would do this in a service! The truth is that creativity and fun are a big deal and we need so much...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 6, 2010 | Grace Community Church, leadership
It has been fun to watch our staff grow here at Grace Community Church. We have worked hard to bring people onto the team who will help our ministries advance. Staff is always added to help make ministry dreams become a reality with the help of our amazing volunteers...
by Michael Bayne | Dec 4, 2010 | family ministry, Top 5, youth ministry
I had the chance to hear Phil Fulmer, former Tennessee Volunteer football coach, speak a month ago. One of the questions he was asked was why he always had one of his daughters by his side after every game. Coach Fulmer said he wanted his girls to feel a part of the...