by Michael Bayne | Sep 29, 2010 | family ministry, Orange week 2.0, youth ministry
Want to move in an ORANGE direction…become a conversation starter. When it comes to thinking orange in youth ministry I find that the most difficult aspect for youth pastors and volunteers is the RED (the home) side of the strategy. When it comes to teenagers...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 28, 2010 | family ministry, Orange week 2.0, youth ministry
ORANGE WEEK is here and for the first few days I am going to talk about the RED (family) side of the the Orange Strategy. When a ministry decides they are going orange they make the choice to not only to create amazing environments in their church for kids and teens,...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 27, 2010 | family ministry, Orange week 2.0, youth ministry
This week we hope you will take some time to THINK ORANGE. You know I am a sports addict but we are not trying to convert you to become a Tennessee Volunteer fan! I am hoping you will process how the the CHURCH (yellow) and the HOME (red) can partner together (orange)...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 24, 2010 | leadership, youth ministry
We live in a world where there is an expert on any subject you can bring up. If you are reading this post you probably are an expert in your area of ministry. If you lead and work in a non-profit you probably are an expert in your organization at some aspect of the...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 24, 2010 | Uncategorized
Are you a marketing? The answer is yes and it really does not matter if you like that title or not. Marketing is nothing more then sending a message about who you are and what you offer to potential customers…attenders…partners…or members. Today at...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 22, 2010 | Uncategorized
Spending the next two days here at the STORY Conference. STORY is a conference dedicated to the creative process and those who are trying to communicate the Gospel to this generation. This is not your typical lineup of communicators and the crowd has been limited to...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 22, 2010 | youth ministry
Great 2 days at REFUGE 2010. This is my travel week this fall and I am headed back out of town in the morning to go to the Story Conference in Chicago. With more tiem on the road coming in the morning I wanted to get these thoughts out tonight from REFUGE. Thanks...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 20, 2010 | youth ministry
I am headed to spend a few days at an event called Refuge put on by the team at Student Life. What is goal? The intent is to gather youth leaders together to worship, listen to, and connect with God. It is that simple and I am so stoked about having that one goal for...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 17, 2010 | family ministry, youth ministry
My friends at Rethink have a new site for you to check out. MarriedPeople is an organization that hopes to help churches help marriages! Helping people have healthy marriages may be the best gift we can give children and teens that are plugged into our ministries. The...
by Michael Bayne | Sep 16, 2010 | family ministry, youth ministry
Can youth ministry begin to connect with mom and dad and home? We think the answer is one huge YES. When you process connecting with parents you need to shift your thinking to the idea of partnering. When a teenager is living in a home you will find a parent who...