by Michael Bayne | Aug 25, 2010 | youth ministry
New is fun. Everyone loves a new shirt, car, cd, or laptop! That same principle holds true with new environments inside our ministries. Every summer we intentionally stop our weekly student gathering so we have a NEW LAUNCH every fall. New brings excitement. We...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 24, 2010 | Grace Community Church
Where people choose to go to church is a big deal and changing churches is even bigger! People think, pray, worry, flip-flop, discuss, change their minds, and then do it all over again when it comes to moving to a new church. If there is one thing I have learned it is...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 23, 2010 | family ministry, youth ministry
What is your greatest need in the ministry you lead? You may automatically say more volunteers. What you need more than just more volunteers is MULTIPLICATION. You need your key leaders developing other new leaders, multiplying. We need our existing leaders investing...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
After months of planning and preparing our family ministry team at Grace Community is one day away from the Revolution Conference. Our goal this Saturday is simple. We hope to help our volunteers connect the dots between what happens at home and what happens at church...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 20, 2010 | Grace Community Church
I did what I said I would never let happen at Relevant Student Ministry…this summer we had a softball team. Here were the rules.Michael Bayne will never come to a game. // Seriously, I would burn every bat and ball at the park the first time I saw a youth pastor...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 18, 2010 | music
Just need to come right out and admit it…I am addicted to music. It is flowing as I work, in the car, and when I crash at night. Here is what I am listening to right now. Check these albums out! What are you listening too? Let me know!Arcade Fire, the suburbsThe...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 17, 2010 | leadership, planning
I know, people hate Mondays. The weekend is over. People are dragging into work. But if you serve on a church staff Monday is one of the most important days of the week. Think about it…Sunday is our first day of the week. Sunday is the biggest day to carry out...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 16, 2010 | Grace Community Church
This week the family ministry team at Grace Community is getting ready for the Revolution Conference. We have partnered with the team at Cross Point Church in Nashville to create a one day experience to renew and inspire our volunteers. Yea…we wish we could take...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 14, 2010 | Grace Community Church
I am so excited that we have added Brandon and Kara Reed to our family ministry team at Grace Community as our High School & College Pastor. This past year we knew that we had to add student ministry staff. We had grown beyond our capacity to equip our volunteers...
by Michael Bayne | Aug 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
We have been hoping this day would come for over three years and now as we begin the 4th year of Relevant Student Ministry we are about to experience our first Middle School and High School gathering. This Wednesday at 6:30 The Mix will welcome a room full of middle...