by Michael Bayne | Jul 24, 2010 | leadership
I’m sorry. In leadership those words can be very powerful. No one likes to say them because none of us like to make mistakes. Some leaders even try to pretend they never make mistakes, but those types don’t last in the long haul. Our team recently made a...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
Why have a middle school gathering for teens in our ministry? We have been asking that question for several years here at Relevant, landed on some answers, waited for the right time, and now are about to launch our first gathering created for middle school students....
by Michael Bayne | Jul 20, 2010 | leadership
Gaining support for your cause if hard work, but losing support is much easier to do and can happen very fast. Several weeks ago we asked a few non-profits to come in on Sunday morning at Grace Community and allow us to promote their cause. The only thing these...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 19, 2010 | Uncategorized
Every student pastor I know wants to make sure their student ministry is helping teens get a grasp on what it means to serve the world and spread the message of Jesus. We talk about global issues throughout the year and a summer camp every year. We work to make sure...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 10, 2010 | Grace Community Church, leadership
Ideas are amazing but they are worthless if they are never put into action. I am always pumped to see people who take ideas and make them a reality. Our children’s pastor had a great idea a few months ago and then worked to make it happen. Adam and his wife...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 8, 2010 | youth ministry
Spent most of this week working on mission trip details for our high school mission trip to New Orleans. As you can tell if you follow this blog, I am off rhythm with my posting schedule. There is just a ton to do and blogging has been moved a little down on the...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 7, 2010 | Grace Community Church
In the church world we talk about “down days”. What is a “down day”…a holiday, spring break, fall break, or many summer Sundays. These are days we tend to see attendance slip because people are busy or traveling or have plans. I am...
by Michael Bayne | Jul 1, 2010 | leadership
There is not a week that goes by that our staff does not get asked about all the stuff we don’t do. Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, Discipleship Classes, Men’s / Women’s Ministry, Children’s Choir, Adult Choir, Suits…(that was a...
by Michael Bayne | Jun 30, 2010 | youth ministry
Tonight is our second REMIX UNITED gathering of the summer and our team is stoked about what God might do tonight in our lives. All of you who read this blog know that when it comes to ministry I like mixing it up and trying new things. Summer is an amazing time to...
by Michael Bayne | Jun 30, 2010 | leadership
You need to laugh! I know we ministry/church people are not known for laughter. When you think about church you don’t think about laughter but it is so needed in all our churches and ministries! Let’s think about this. God made us so God also made...