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Win tickets to ORANGE 2011

OK, this is my 600th post! No better way to celebrate 600 posts than giving away free stuff. Here is your chance to win tickets to The Orange Conference in 2011…here is how! List the top FIVE reasons you will be back for Orange ’11. Post your reasons to return...

think TEAM

This morning Nancy Ortberg talked about the power of team here at The Orange Conference. There is nothing more important than leading our team when it comes to leadership in our churches. There is also nothing that frustrates all of us more than leading our team....

Today’s Orange Leaders Challenge…THURSDAY!

The success of every leader is dependent upon knowing where to get your questions answered and knowing how to network with other leaders.Today we will challenge you to do both. We have come up with a phrase, and the first two people to write the complete phrase on the...

Opening Session @ the Orange Conference

4,200 people committed to serving and investing in the next generation gathering in one room with one heart is an amazing sight. The Orange Conference opened up with session 1 tonight and the tone was set to help us all rethink how God has called us to COLLIDE with...

Catching Volunteers UP TO SPEED

If you work for a church you manage many team of volunteers to make ministry happen. I have yest to meet any ministry making a difference that was not powered by and amazing team of volunteers! This afternoon I had the chance to hear Darren Kizer talk about the...

Becoming a better COMMUNICATOR

Great breakout this morning with Jamey Dickens, the High School Pastor at Buckhead Church, on how to become a better communicator with students. Here is the direction Jamey went this morning here at the Orange Conference…If you want to be a better communicator...